eating disorder treatment

You don’t have to be diagnosed with an eating disorder to benefit from eating disorder treatment with NutritionRx. If your eating has become out of order, we can help.

You don’t have to be diagnosed with an eating disorder to benefit from eating disorder treatment with NutritionRx. If your eating has become out of order, we can help.

If your eating is disordered, chances are your body is out of order. Sure, there are diagnosable areas—anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphia—but you don’t need a diagnosis to benefit from eating disorder treatment with Registered Dietitian and Clinical Nutritionist Alexis Beck.

If you eat excessively, or excessively restrict your food intake, that is disordered eating. If emotions or stressors drive you to eat, that is also disordered eating. If you compulsively diet, fail, and repeat, then—you guessed it—that, too, is disordered eating!

Disordered eating derives from behavioral and psychosocial factors—but eating recovery is possible, and we can help.

NutritionRx takes a proven, clinical approach to eating disorder treatment and compulsive dieting recovery. She curates personalized treatment plans that incorporate a wide range of therapeutic modalities designed to repair your damaged relationship with food and eating.

Our shame-free approach to eating disorder treatment includes:


Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)


Compassion, understanding & respect


Ego State Therapy


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


Education & empowerment


An honest, self-respecting approach

Get answers to frequently asked questions about disordered eating and chronic dieting fatigue & recovery:

What is disordered eating?

Disordered eating is less frequent or severe than a diagnosed eating disorder, and is characterized by a pre-occupation with food or eating that may lead to restrictive, compulsive, irregular, or inflexible eating patterns.

What is binge-eating?

Binge-eating is a complex disorder, but contrary to popular belief, it’s about more than just excessive eating. Those who binge-eat have almost no control over their food intake—they are looking to find relief, and release.

Binge-eating is not fueled by hunger. It fills a void, and offers distraction, comfort, and control. It helps silence psychological noise.

Binge-eating often leads to obesity, which is a whole other medical issue. However, the binge-eating must be addressed before obesity management techniques can take effect.

How do I know if I have disordered eating?

To determine whether your eating is disordered, ask yourself these four questions:

  1. Do you find yourself planning to binge-eat in the middle of a stressful day?
  2. Do you find yourself thinking about food during meetings?
  3. Do you find yourself making a mental list through your tears?
  4. Do you find yourself looking for sugar at the end of the day?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, please contact NutritionRx to learn how we can help rebalance your relationship with food and eating.

Is chronic dieting a type of disordered eating?

Yes! If you find yourself on a dieting rollercoaster, we can help you get off the ride once and for all.

Establishing a healthy relationship with food and eating is not a “diet.” It’s a lifestyle.

Our goal is to help you end the vicious cycle of compulsive dieting, and finally find a long-term, sustainable solution that fits into your lifestyle.

eating disorder treatment
registered dietitian alexis beck

Registered Dietitian & Clinical Nutritionist Alexis Beck takes a personalized approach to eating disorder treatment.

Registered Dietitian & Clinical Nutritionist Alexis Beck takes a personalized approach to eating disorder treatment.

Alexis Beck knows first-hand what it’s like to be a woman in today’s body-image-obsessed culture. When we try to change our bodies to better fit the “size 2” mold, we often end up with disordered eating patterns. We diet, restrict, overeat, fail—wash, rinse, repeat—over and over again.

Alexis takes a proven therapeutic approach to eating disorder treatment that eliminates shame, and creates an intellectual understanding of what is taking place. She helps her clients address and process any trauma that is contributing to their disordered eating habits. By planting the seeds of self-respect through an honest interpretation of what disordered is (and what disordered eating isn’t), she helps her clients gain a completely different understanding of these disorders…and of themselves.


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